* She was born (ok, you knew that one)
* She loves baths. eating, bouncing in her seat, rocking, etc
* She started sleeping through the night at 2.5 weeks (that should probably be listed first in all caps!!)
* She wants to be entertained (and there is only so much to entertain her with at this age). She loves something for a few minutes and then wants to move on to the next thing.
* At her one month check up she weighs 11 lbs (85th percentile) and is 23 inches long (97th percentile)
* She is on the verge of smiling
* She started focusing more. She now makes great eye contact, watches the fish spin on her mobile, and looks at black and white pictures.
* She makes us VERY happy!
These two pictures are so dang cute!!! I swear she gets cuter everyday!!!!!
So extremely adorable. I can't wait to spend a few days with this little lady (and her parents). It's getting so close.
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